At times it can seem DSLR-makers only add features when they need to, but the Nikon D7200 has fairly up-to-date wireless connectivity. It has Wi-Fi, and NFC to make pairing with compatible phones that bit easier.
Cameras like the Nikon D7200 are not intended to lure you in with flashy extras, though, or to provide the sort of speed pro action shooters are after. Instead, you get solid everyday speed that actually falls slightly below several rival CSCs at the price, at this point.
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The software side of the Nikon D7200 Wi-Fi also wipes the floor with that of most other manufacturers. As well as transferring images and controlling the shutter remotely, you can alter camera settings like aperture, shutter speed and ISO from your mobile phone or tablet. Not bad, right?
There’s also a small pop-up flash, again giving you a sense of having all you need to get on with, adding to the Nikon D7200’s accessibility.
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